The Beyond Burger at the Whole Foods food court is very good. It is a close second to the Impossible burger from Founding Farmers in terms of veggie burgers that taste like meat. Although the texture and flavor was very meaty, it was not quite as convincing as the impossible color, and the coloring seemed a little off to me.
I think the main reason I give the impossible burger the higher rating may be because of the fixings on it. I got the goat cheese impossible burger, which had awesome accompanying flavorings and was a complete package. Although when I was a carnivore, I would have enjoyed a plain meat burger with only cheese, tomato and iceburg, the veggie burger in these surroundings seems to be a bit of an imposter. Perhaps if it had had better tasting toppings I would be converted. Also the quality of the bun was also better in the Impossible Burger.
The advantage of the beyond burger is that it is also available for purchase. You can buy them uncooked and then season them up like a pro and add really good toppings and eat it from the comfort of your own home. I can see this being a really great addition to any summer barbecue.